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AudioGames.net (re)launches accessible Sudoku for the blind

Last week AudioGames.net launched Sudo-San, the first accessible Sudoku for the blind. Massive traffic of thousands of sighted ánd blind players made us move the game to a new server. And while relocating the game, we added two new features to the game. You now have the possibility to hear the remaining numbers of a row, column or square by pressing the "Shift"-key together with the corresponding key ("R"-key for row, "C"-key for column and "S"-key for square). Another feature is that you can now automatically mark each cell in the puzzle with all possible candidates by pressing the "Shift"-key and the "X"-key simultaneously. You can find the link to play Sudo-San online for free here:


One more exclusive: Sudo-San will be made available for download soon! Although the downloadable version will not be free, it will contain several features not found in the free online version. More news about this will follow soon!

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