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X- Wing Patrol

title:X- Wing Patrol
download page:link
license:open source
genre:Space invaders Games
developer:Darren Duff
last edit by:Richard


X wing patrol was a mod of the open source audio space invaders game chopper patrol by USA games. Though originally intended as the basis for a larger starwars themed project called imperial assault, the game is still quite enjoyable as a short sharp shooter, letting you help out the rebellion by getting rid of some of those annoying imperial Tie fighters..

To play the game, you use your left and right arrow keys to cycle your X-Wings target through left/center/right positions on the screen. Enemy fighters fall down at you on the left/center/right and you have to line up under to blast them. Occasionally, a more major threat will follow as a Tie fighter sweeps from left to right, which you'll need your ion cannon to take out, . To switch from your blaster cannon to your ion cannon you use your up or down arrow keys, To fire at the enemy, you use the left control key. The blaster cannon must be used to shoot Empyreal fighters and the ion cannon must be used to shoot fly by tie fighters.

At the end of the game if you don't kill all the fighters or if you don't ketch one in time you will hear a large explosion and a radio voice say, ""our base is destroyed!"" If you destroy the Empyreal base you will hear a monster explosion and a radio voice saying ""That's it sir, we got 'm!""

Though the developer has long since vanished, hosting is now provided thanks to the great audiogames archive site.


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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