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url:No link!
download page:link
genre:Action Games
developer:Javier Mairena
platform:Windows, mac Linux
features:sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


AudioDisc is an accessible Frisbee game. The goal of the game is to throw a disc where your opponent (either another player or the computer) is unable to catch it. The gameplay calls for quick responses and a bit of luck, since you don't know which direction (up, center or down) the disc will move to before it's thrown. When it moves, a characteristic sound notifies the player of direction. The game features a tutorial which explains the functioning of the game, as well as several modes of difficulty to try out. AudioDisc also contains simple, high contrast graphics, and since it's possible to play with two people at the same computer, this makes it ideal for competition.

Though up until recently the game was hosted on the developer's own website, unfortunately, that site seems to have gone down. This also means that though versions of the game in the developer's native Spanish, and for Macd and Linux have been produced, the only version currently available to download in the English windows version, from the audiogames archive.


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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