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X wheel

title:X wheel
download page:link
genre:Word Games
developer:X site interactive
release:July 2012
last edit by:Dark


Despite sounding like a deluxe make of car tires, X wheel is actually a new and unique twist on a very common and well known word game. That game is Hangman, in which players take turns guessing letters in a blanked out phrase which are slowly uncovered, with the object to guess the entire phrase. X wheel however is about as far from Hangman as it's possible to get, while still being a word game, sinse X wheel is based upon the popular wheel of fortune quiz show, (at least in it's Uk varient).

As per the quiz show, it's not just uncovering letters that limits the game but the dreaded wheel itself. Each turn the wheel is spun to give a value of points, and that's the number of points the player earns for each letter that occurs in the phrase from 50 to 1000. The wheel however also contains a bankrupt, and if the wheel lands here the player loses all their points and the board passes to the next player. Vowels can be bought at a cost of points, but the fewer letters uncovered, the greater the bonus to the winner.

As well as providing all the rules, mechanics, sounds and atmosphere of the tv quiz (including an appreciative audience), X wheel also comes with up to three other human or computer opponent to play against in three solid rounds who wont hesitate to guess right when your brains fale you. Get through the three rounds, and if you best your opponent you'll find yourself facing an extra quick timed bonus where you must guess a phrase in 60 seconds with only 5 consonants and a vowel to help. You can even up the challenge by playing against the computer on higher levels of intelligence, meaning you'll need to guess all the faster to walk away with the win.

But what do points mean? a place on The x wheel hall of fame, found here And with a large quantity of phrases ranging from band and song names to actors or common phrases there is plenty to keep even the most hard core puzzler busy.

the game outputs directly to window eyes, nvda, system access or Jaws, or alternately can be self voiced directly via sapi, but also contains a large range of music and sound affects drawn from the tv show which provide extra atmosphere.

Though originally a commercial game, X wheel is now freeware. Happy puzzling and beware the wheel.

Though X site interactive are no longer around, the game is still available thanks to the very awesome Audiogames archive site.


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