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Scrambled sayings

title:Scrambled sayings
download page:link
genre:Word Games
developer:7-128 Software
platform:Windows, Mac
features:text, sound
last edit by:Dark


Welcome to Scrambled sayings, a game which does to the book of Proverbs what Frankenstein did to dead bodies, ---- namely mix them all up and create something wrong! In this game your presented with the words of a popular saying, and are required to unscramble the letters, ---- anagram style to discover what the saying is.

Sayins range from the obvious to the obscure, and with many to choose from, it's true that like travel, this game will broaden your dnim!

though the above link points to the windows version, a Mac version is available here And with 7-128 software releasing all their games as abandonware whilst they concentrate on developing mobile games, scrambled sailings won't cost you a radlol

Like all the games from 7-128, Scrambled Sayings runs in the Gamebook program. You'll therefore need to have installed either the full or demo version of the 7-128 gamebook program Before trying it.


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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