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genre:Arcade Games
developer:nyanchan games
release:January 2016
last edit by:Dark


MarinaBreak is Nyanchan games second foray into the world of the arcade classic Breakout. Where however Laser breakout combined the classic block bouncing with a strategic battle game, MarinaBreak is much closer to the Atari original.

As in Breakout the object is simple, move your bat around at the bottom of the playing field to bounce your ball around the arena trying to destroy all of the blocks. Unfortunately, the task is a little more complicated than it sounds.

Firstly, the blocks are not just placed at the top of the arena as in traditional breakout, but scattered around meaning you must be a little more precise with your ball directing, especially since blocks can be of different sizes and strengths. Fortunately, the game is not over if the ball hits the bottom of the arena (a good thing since the ball moves pretty quickly). In MarinaBreak the ball has energy which it loses when it hits an object (especially the ground) and if the energy reaches zero the game is over. Fortunately, you don't just need to pacively move your bat around, but can actually hit it forward, right or left with a set of strokes, imparting a little more force and letting you make it up to the top of the arena to smack those blocks.

This all creates a game that is one part breakout, one part pinball, and lots of fun.

The game contains an interactive tutorial which shows you how to play, plus 10 missions to get through. There are also two modes of arcade action, time attack, where you see how many blocks you can smash in two minutes, and velocity attack where you are facing ever increasing gravity and a survival challenge. All of these modes come with chance to compete on the Nyanchan games scoreboards.

The game is fully translated into English, however the installer is still in the original Japanese. Thus, you will need to use the button labeled "c" to select a folder where the game will be installed, and the first of the two unlabeled buttons to actually begin the install process (don't hit the button labeled D as it exits the installer).

The game outputs to Nvda, Jaws, Window eyes or Sapi and is absolutely free.

Happy bouncing.


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