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Klango Network

title:Klango Network
download page:link
platform:Windows, mobile.
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Klango was an audio project which created an interactive audio soundscape. Begun in 2004 with games like Pirate memory and haunted factory, the project evolved to a full scale community in 2010 with its own audio forums, user created soundscapes, audio avatars, location information and even facebook browser as well as several games.

As reported Here on the developer's webpage however, development on Klango ceased in 2012, and the network itself was shutdown in May of 2018, which also (for purposes of this site), means all games that ran on Klango have also been discontinued.

Games previously available on Klango included:

  • Skete, an audio targiting game based on the olympic sport, in which you shoot at a disk passing left to right attempting to hit as close to center as possible, scoring depending upon closeness to center.
  • long Jump, another olympic sports sim where you rack up score, this time by hitting the left and right arrow keys rythmically to run, then hitting space at the right time to jump.
  • Symple puzle, a game similar to the magic 8 or magic 15 puzle, where you have a set of numbered blocks arranged in a grid (up to 24 x 24), with one empty space, and by flipping blocks into that empty space you must arrange them so that they are in numerical order with the empty space at the bottom right corner. Points are given for speed and lack of wasted moves, and other shapes such as a doughnut to arrange blocks in are available.
  • Dice Poker, a varient of the popular Yahtzi dice game where you throw, see what you get, and have to put the score in a number of catagories.
  • Klango logo


    The following users have added this game to their favorites: fatih, Brandon Williams, NicklasMCHD, Jitel, dardar, ugljesa, bogus, connor142, haajeex, burak, jjgeek, aaron

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    Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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