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Blindfold Hearts

title:Blindfold Hearts
download page:No link!
genre:Traditional games
developer:Kid friendly software
release:August 2015
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Blindfold Hearts is one of a number of traditional games available for Ios produced by Kid friendly software, all fully accessible with a combination of Voiceover and self voicing. Hearts, as many people know is a trick taking card game of the same family as Whist, Spades or Bridge. In these games, each player plays a card from their hand and the highest card of the sute the trick is in wins that tricck, thus if the first person plays a nine of clubs, the second a ten of diamonds and the third a seven of clubs, the nine would win the trick because the diamond doesn't count (and presumably the person who played it was out of clubs). In hearts, the object is to avoid tricks containing heart cards, or the queen of spades which, when won score penalty points against the person who wins them. The winner of the hole game is the person with the least penalty points.

However, if you find yourself collecting lots of hearts your not doomed, sinse if you can acquire all 13 hearts and the queen of spades, you will shoot the moon and cause everyone else to score 26 penalty points.

Kid friendly software's hearts is a version for Ios. While unlike their Crazy Eights, it doesn't yet have the ability for you to play against others, at the same time it does have all the above stated rules of hearts, and easy controls, just flicking through the cards and double tap to play, two fingers swipe up to view your hand, two fingers swipe down to view the points, and two fingers double tap to review the played cards. You can also swipe left and right with two fingers to jump streight to cards of a given sute.

Blindfold hearts will let you play two versions of the game, a three player version where each player has 17 cards, or the more standard version where each player has 13 cards. The game is free to play, however each time you play it uses a coin, (every time you start a new game, not continue a previously running round). You can purchice the starter pack which contains unlimited coins and also unlocks the four player version for 5 usd, as well as buying different amounts of coins, or viewing videos to earn more coins. In addition,you can pay 2.5 usd to gain the ability to customize the skill levels of your computer opponents.

There are many things to set in the game to get the experience you want. You can set the target score of penalty points someone has to reach before the game ends, (it's 500 by default but you can turn it down), set the music and sound and which of your Ios voices represents what in the game. Additionally, as mentioned previously you can fully customize your computer opponents, though bare in mind the differences between the difficulty levels are quite marked and where a poor player might roll over like a doormat and play like a dope, a "very good" computer player likely won't. .

The game also has comprehensive instructions, and a stratogy guide to help newcomers get to grips with the rather cutthroat world of hearts.

As usual, find Blindfold Hearts in the ap store, and also note all the other Kid friendly software games that you might want to check out at the same time.

Additional resources

As is usual with any game for Ios, there is This page on Applevis

Hearts is an addictive, strategical game, and having it playable on a portable device, whether whiling away a long train journey or just playing a hand or two while waiting for the bus makes for a great experience. Also, it's likely more rules and perhaps some different varients of hearts might show up in the future.


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